Maine Inmate Search | (2024)

Are Maine Inmate Records Public Information?

Yes, the Freedom of Information Act permits law enforcement agencies to make Maine inmate records accessible to the general public. Hence, record seekers can inspect or obtain copies of inmate records in Maine from the State Department of Corrections (DOC). Interested persons may use the Maine inmate locator available on the DOC website to retrieve information like MDOC number, full name, custody status, gender, date of birth, release date,/life sentence, and location. Contact the DOC for more information on how to conduct a Maine inmate search to find out why someone is in jail. Alternatively, record seekers can find information on who’s in custody by conducting a federal prison inmate search on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website.

Maine Inmate Search

Inmate records are documents that detail information relating to an inmate housed in any correctional facility in Maine, including county jails and state prisons. Per the Maine Freedom of Information Act, Maine inmate records provide the public with the opportunity to know who's in custody and look into the status of an inmate within the corrections system. This is mainly for the purpose of enhancing public safety. Information often contained in the inmate's record includes their names, age, date of birth, charges, sentencing, facility in which they are located, race, height, and sometimes Maine inmate mugshots. The Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) is the state repository maintaining records of inmates housed in state prisons and county jails. Record seekers who want to understand how to find someone in jail can contact the MDOC or conduct a Maine inmate search using their online resources. Alternatively, individuals can find inmate records using the federal prison inmate search tool on the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

Inmate records are considered public in the United States and, therefore, are made available by both traditional governmental agencies as well as third-party websites and organizations. Third-party websites may offer an easier means to search, as these services do not face geographical limitations. However, because third-party sites are not government-sponsored, the information obtained through them may vary from official channels. To find inmate records using third-party aggregate sites, requesting parties must provide:

  • The location of the sought-after record, including state, county, and city where the inmate resides.
  • The name of the person listed in the record, unless it is a juvenile.

How to Find Someone in Jail in Maine

How to find someone in jail is a good question to consider when retrieving information on an inmate housed in a Maine county jail. Most law enforcement agencies have Maine inmate locators that record seekers can use to find someone in jail. Interested persons can use Maine inmate lookup tools available on County Sheriff's websites to find out what jail someone is in. For instance, the Penobscot County Sheriff's Office allows residents to find someone in jail via their Maine Inmate Search tool. The tool is available in the dropdown of the “Corrections/Inmate Info” menu at the top of the website. The search result reveals the jail roster of inmates housed in Penobscot County jail. Requesters should be able to retrieve personal, inmate, and charge information when a search is conducted. Alternatively, individuals seeking to know how to find out if someone is in jail can conduct a federal prison inmate search via the Federal Bureau of Prisons website.

How to Send Money to an Inmate in Maine Prison and Jail

Money can be sent to inmates electronically through the Money Deposit Service (MDS) to the inmate's commissary account or phone account. However, an inmate cannot receive more than $100 weekly in these accounts. Furthermore, it takes three business days to process these payments, after which inmates can access them. These payments are non-refundable.

Meanwhile, people who wish to send money to incarcerated individuals must register with their name and email address on the MDS website to initiate the process. Furthermore, the sender must know the inmate's full name, MDOC number, and birth date.

There are specific guidelines for sending money to inmates in county jails. Generally, local county sheriff's offices determine the rules and procedures for sending money to incarcerated individuals. Interested persons must contact the jail administrative staff where an offender is incarcerated for information on sending money to an inmate.

How to Get Approved to Visit an Inmate in Maine Prisons and Jails

Persons who wish to visit inmates in Maine must follow the Maine prison visitation rules of any facility they are visiting. Generally, all intending visitors to state prisons are required to complete an application form. This form can be obtained from the inmate to be visited, the jail's lobby officer, or an online visitor's application form.

Once an application gets approved, the applicant must then schedule a visit using the visit schedule form or by calling (207) 273-5526 during business hours. Alternatively, the individual may send an email to between Mondays and Wednesdays to schedule a visitation.

Meanwhile, visitation rules for county jails are different from state prisons and vary from county to county. For example, the York County jail, which is under the jurisdiction of the sheriff's office, offers visitation rules on its website. Likewise, Cumberland County Jail provides its own rules for inmate visits.

How to Find a County Inmate Roster in Maine

County inmate rosters (commonly known as inmate lists in Maine) are available on most County Sheriff's Office websites. How to find a county inmate roster varies depending on the county. For instance, this is how to find an inmate roster in Kennebec County:

  • Go to the Sheriff’s Office website
  • Click on the “Corrections” menu
  • Click on the “Current Inmate List” on the drop-down

Most county inmate rosters typically reveal an inmate’s full name, age, date of birth, race, gender, booking date, ID, charges, custody status, and release date/life sentence. Individuals can also retrieve information on jail roster mugshots from most county sheriff's websites.

How to Perform a Maine Prison Inmate Search

The DOC is in charge of Maine inmate records and provides the means to conduct a Maine prison inmate search through its Adult prisoner and probationer search service. This service lets interested persons perform a free prison inmate search by name and obtain publicly available records on active adult Maine prison inmates. The records of juvenile inmates are not public records in the state of Maine and, as such, are not included in this search. Persons interested in conducting a Maine inmate search should fill out the online adult Maine Prison inmate search form and provide as much information as possible to narrow the search results. Individuals interested in knowing how to find out why someone is in jail can contact the DOC.

How to Perform a Maine Jail Inmate Search

A Maine jail inmate search differs from a Maine prison inmate search. County jails, unlike prisons, are under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff's office. The process regarding a county jail inmate lookup differs depending on the county where the inmate is located.

For example, Cumberland County has a list of its inmates published online. Interested parties can use the Maine inmate search list to find a person in jail. York County requires that an interested party call (207) 324-9001 and initiate a search regarding an inmate. Record seekers who want to understand how to find out why someone is in jail can contact the county Sheriff’s office.

Maine State Prisons and County Jails: Understanding the Difference

Maine state prisons and county jails are operated by the Maine Department of Corrections. The department is responsible for the custody and supervision of all prisoners in the state. It also provides services to help offenders re-enter society and reduce recidivism.

Maine has a total of eight state prisons, which are located in Windham, Warren, Portland, Thomaston, Machias, Charleston, and Bangor. There is also one privately operated prison in the state, which is located in Waterville. In addition to these facilities, there are also 13 county jails in Maine.

The average daily population of Maine state prisons was 1,506 males and 118 females in 2021. Male prisoners had an average age of 41, and females had an average age of 37. The length of stay for men was 2.10 years, while that of females was 1.43 years.

The majority of inmates are incarcerated for non-violent offenses such as drug possession or theft. However, there is a growing population of incarcerated individuals serving time for more serious offenses such as robbery, assault, and murder.

The recidivism rate in Maine is relatively low when compared to other states. In 2016, only 27% of offenders released from prison were rearrested within three years. This is significantly lower than the national average of 43%.

Maine state prisons and county jails offer a variety of programs and services to help offenders successfully reintegrate into society upon release. These include educational opportunities, job training, and substance abuse treatment. The state also offers a number of support services for prisoners' families, which can play a vital role in an inmate's successful reentry into the community.

How to Find an Inmate Release Date

Interested persons may obtain this information directly from the jail administrator or by performing a Maine inmate search online. However, it is common for record custodians to seal this information for privacy or security reasons. In such cases, only eligible persons will have access to the exact inmate release date. These eligible persons include the inmate's immediate family members, crime victims, attorneys, and authorized law enforcement officials. At best, interested members of the public will only see the month and year of release.

Facilities Operated by the Maine Department of Corrections

The Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) provides administrative oversight over the correctional institutions in Maine, including six adult institutions and two juvenile corrections centers. The MDOC runs an industry program that provides its services to the general public and other government bodies in various areas, such as engraving, license plates, embroidery, woodshop, upholstery, garments, wood harvesting, and re-upholstery. For more information on how to find out if someone is in jail, an interested person may contact the MDOC at:

Maine Department of Corrections
Central Office
25 Tyson Drive, 3rd floor
State House Station 111
Augusta, ME 04333-0111
Phone: (207) 287-2711

Maine Correctional Center
17 Mallison Falls Road Windham,
ME 04062
Phone: (207) 893-7000

Downeast Correctional Facility
64 Base Road
Machiasport, ME 04655
Phone: (207) 255-1100

Mountain View Correctional Facility
1182 Dover Road
Charleston, ME 04422
Phone: (207) 285-0880

Bolduc Correctional Facility
25 Tyson Drive, 3rd floor
House Station 111 Augusta,
ME 04333-0111
Phone: (207) 287-2711

Southern Maine Women Re-Entry Center
230 River Road
Windham, ME 04062
Phone: (207) 893-7132
Fax: (207) 893-7179

Maine State Prison
Cushing Road Warren,
ME 04864
Phone: (207) 273-5300

Maine Inmate Search | (2024)
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